Course programme

Students are admitted to the certificate on the basis of their individual applications.

The applicants, who must be enrolled in one of the Masters (see the list of masters on this website) must submit these documents no later than December 1st : a CV (with their transcripts of records and evidence of their linguistic level if relevant), a course proposal for their mobility period as well as a note explaining their thesis project, which should focus on the anthropology of social dynamics and development and involve some ethnographic work in a country of the South. In each partner institution, the representative of the certificate will gather the submitted application files which will then be assessed by the members of the Board. The latter will set up the selection process together during the month of December.

Please note that the students enrolled in the certificate are required to take courses totalling 30 credits in one or several partner institutions.

Typically, they can benefit from an ERASMUS scholarship to finance their stay abroad, but they can also benefit from other types of aid. The choice of the mobility period is left to the student, granted that he or she respects the limits imposed by the master programme at his/her home university.

The students in mobility choose their courses from a list put together by the coordinators of the certificate and available on this website. After getting the approval of the representative of the certificate in their home university, students can also choose one or several courses out of the list, provided the course is relevant for their master dissertation.

The thesis jury will necessarily include a member of the network who will not belong to the home institution (typically, a member of the university where the mobility was done). The representatives of the partner institutions will see that this condition be respected by the persons in charge of composing these jurys in their own institution. Each institution must facilitate the field work of their students by providing agreements and resorting to the institutional support from partner research centers of the South. During the thesis defense, the « outside » member of the jury will sit, or will submit a written assessment, or will take part in the discussion via videoconference.

Practical details

The working languages are French and English.

The representatives of the partner institutions must make their best to help incoming and outgoing students reinforce their linguistic skills. They will see, so far as possible, that students be allowed to write their seminar preparations or thesis and take their exams in the language they opt for. The coordinator of the host institution is specifically in charge of assessing the linguistic skills of mobility students in order to potentially advise them to attend language classes ; these language courses, which are destined to reenforce their skills, will be recognized as credits in their official mobility programme.

There are no tuition fees.

At the end of his or her studies, the student will receive both a Master diploma from his/her home university department and a certificate jointly delivered by all the representatives of the partner institutions of the network.

To obtain this certificate, the student must fulfil all the conditions mentioned above : he/she must have been duly selected ; he/she must have validated at least 30 credits of courses  in one or several partner institutions ; an « outside » member - who does not belong to the home university and who is a member of an institution within the network - will be part of his/her jury.

No formal honors will appear on the certificate.

Mis à jour le 29 octobre 2020