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Double degree programme of the Master in European Studies "EU - ASIA"
ULB and Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) have signed an agreement on the organization of a double degree within the framework of ULB’s Master in European Studies (Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences and IEE-ULB, the Institute for European Studies in Brussels). The programme started during the 2020-2021 academic year!
A new focus "EU - ASIA" is offered within a double degree programme at the level of the Master in European Studies (120 credits) with Waseda University.
Entirely taught in English, this new focus offers a comprehensive outlook on the historical, political, legal, economic and socio-cultural dimensions of the process of European integration as well as on regional cooperation in Asia.
Students will spend the first academic year in one of the partner universities and the second in the other.
In order to successfully complete their training, each student will have to submit a written dissertation jointly supervised at ULB and Waseda University.
Student mobility and International relations office
Phone: +32 (0)2 650 27 06
Campus du Solbosch
Office H.3.131
- The course program
- The application procedure
- Applicant Personal Research Project
(form to download relating to "How to apply" of the application procedure)